Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I've been tagged - 6 weird things about me

Shikin tagged me. Actually, I don't know what's this all about. Ya, I'm squid (sotong) about this tagging activity. But, I'll just do it. It looks fun.

6 weird things about yours truly :

1) When I feel stressed out, I feel nauseous. I would feel vomity. In the worst instances, I would vomit. There was once, after my `A' level Accounts paper donkey years ago, I felt so stressed because the paper was so difficult, I couldn't balance the balance sheets, that I actually vomitted after the paper. During the first few days Abdullah started school, I was so stressed out trying to ensure everything went on smoothly that I almost vomitted.

2) When I'm all alone, and nobody's looking, I tend to play with my canine teeth. I seem to enjoy touching the pointy parts maybe subconsciously. It seems to happen quite naturally. So please ask me to wash my hands before shaking them when you see me one day.

3) I dare take the roller coaster but I won't dare open my eyes wide throughout the ride. The most, I'd probably take a little peep.

4) I love fried ikan bilis. I can eat it on its own or with anything else, even with mee siam, mee goreng, lontong - anything.

5) When I was a little child, I used to daydream that one day I'll become a mega talented actress. I never get to realise my dream. These days, sometimes that daydream appears again especially when I look into the mirror too long. I would even give my acceptance speech to the Best Actress Award - in front of the mirror. When my daughter looked hard at me quizzically, I would just smile and tell her, I'm still sane, sweetheart...

6) Being a little sensitive, I tend to cry over the slightest thing. Watching ads on TV - it could be the touching song or the storyline, tears will roll down. Dramas, TV shows, movies - even sometimes funny movies with touching scenes, I would be sobbing.... And sometimes, when I see determined-looking school children walking to school, carrying heavy school bags, braving the sun and the rain, I could cry too.

There you go....That's me. So am I suppose to tag someone else. I can only think of Ayu but she's been tagged. Other than that, there's hardly anyone else who visit this blog....hmmmm maybe Asrina and Dijah....but it's up to themlah...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Johor trip on CNY

I was very worried about the trip to the extent of suggesting my sisters to cancel it because of the increasing reports in the papers about crime involving Singaporeans in JB. What's the difference between being paranoid, overly-worried and overly paranoid. Is being paranoid a sickness. I thought.

Finally, the husbands decided that we should just go, make the necessary ikhtiar and of course tawakkal and leave our safety and everything else in Allah's care.

Alhamdulillah, my sisters and their families and mine went there safely and came back safe. We had a nice time there. SS will be my favourite eating place, for now at least, for its vast buffet spread which includes many different types of ulams.

I can never thank Allah enough... Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Abdullah turns 4 today

Alhamdulillah, today is Abdullah's 4th birthday. I've bought Thomas cake from Polar and he'll have the cake with his friends and teachers during snack time in school.

But I am sick. And all I want to do is sleep and rest. It's terrible when the mother is sick.

Tonight, his paternal grandparents will come over for a birthday visit. Maybe, on Sunday, he'll celebrate with his cousins and maternal grandparents.

I want to eat my medicine.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Another one

On Tuesday, as I was walking back to my flat from picking Abdullah from the school bus...

Me : So how was school today? Did you have fun?

Son : Yes.

Me : Did you push your friends or did you hit your friend?

Son : No. My friend hit me.

Me : Are you sure????????

On Wednesday, after school, as Abdullah was changing...
Son : My friend hit me... 2 times.

Me : ??????

And so, I called the school to talk to his teacher who was away on course. I talked to the assistant teacher instead.

I asked if anything happened which I need to know. So she told me about an aggressive boy in his class who hit Abdullah with a toy. Abdullah screamed but didn't cry. The teachers came to `protect' him from the boy and the boy was told what he did was wrong and the possible consequences to the victim. I asked for the name of the boy. And I realised, he is the principal's son.

But whatever it is, I told the teacher to be fair in dealing with the boys and to separate them where possible scuffles may take place.

I don't wish for my son to be anybody's punching bag.