Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Having chicken-pox at 35

Woke up one day with a few blisters on my face and one on my right arm. That was Sunday, 19 October 2008. On finding out about that, Abdullah announced, "Bad news!! Ummi has chicken-pox!"

On the second night, I couldn't sleep because I was itching terribly. I think it must be the time the blisters started to appear everywhere. I had a slight fever and was feeling weak.

I'm now having blisters alll over my face, neck, chest, legs, back especially the waist area and everywhere else. You name the location, I have them. They are mostly huge. They started out as though there's water in the blisters but now it seems to appear as though there are puss in them.

I applied honey, calamine lotion and ground neem leaves. Sometimes I even look like the soldiers trying to take cover deep in the forest, with the neem leaves all over my face and body.

It's been a week. I can't go out. I'm getting bored. And my throat is still hurting.