Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Johor trip on CNY

I was very worried about the trip to the extent of suggesting my sisters to cancel it because of the increasing reports in the papers about crime involving Singaporeans in JB. What's the difference between being paranoid, overly-worried and overly paranoid. Is being paranoid a sickness. I thought.

Finally, the husbands decided that we should just go, make the necessary ikhtiar and of course tawakkal and leave our safety and everything else in Allah's care.

Alhamdulillah, my sisters and their families and mine went there safely and came back safe. We had a nice time there. SS will be my favourite eating place, for now at least, for its vast buffet spread which includes many different types of ulams.

I can never thank Allah enough... Alhamdulillah...


At 9:04 PM, Blogger melayudilondon said...

Bestnye!! ni mesti makan seafood kan? kat sini susah cari sambal ketam dah. Ah minah, kao dah kena tagged. Gi my blog tengok ye?


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