Thursday, February 01, 2007

Another one

On Tuesday, as I was walking back to my flat from picking Abdullah from the school bus...

Me : So how was school today? Did you have fun?

Son : Yes.

Me : Did you push your friends or did you hit your friend?

Son : No. My friend hit me.

Me : Are you sure????????

On Wednesday, after school, as Abdullah was changing...
Son : My friend hit me... 2 times.

Me : ??????

And so, I called the school to talk to his teacher who was away on course. I talked to the assistant teacher instead.

I asked if anything happened which I need to know. So she told me about an aggressive boy in his class who hit Abdullah with a toy. Abdullah screamed but didn't cry. The teachers came to `protect' him from the boy and the boy was told what he did was wrong and the possible consequences to the victim. I asked for the name of the boy. And I realised, he is the principal's son.

But whatever it is, I told the teacher to be fair in dealing with the boys and to separate them where possible scuffles may take place.

I don't wish for my son to be anybody's punching bag.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger yuRa said...

okay.. i had to point this out "my friend *hit* me." hehe ..

zid went through the same thing. i think it's a get-to-know phase. some kids don't know how to socialise or express how they feel. perhaps the boy was trying to encourage abdullah to play together but didn't know how to include him. i'm sure it'll pass. who knows, they might end up as real buddies. :)

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Nani said...

Maybe. Abdullah already said he misses that boy. One day he got hit by the boy, another day he can't wait to meet him again...these children ah....


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