Monday, August 21, 2006

The Impossible dream - A powerful, most motivating, most uplifting song

I love songs with nice melodies. I love them better if they have great lyrics. The Impossible Dream is one of them. I was first introduced to this song in RGS when we had our RGS Music and Drama Nite. It was the song we sang for the finale, when everybody in the audience stood up and sang along with the performers.

I remember, after the concert, I felt so motivated, so driven, so compelled to do well in my studies. It was like that every year after every concert. They had very uplifiting songs to end the concert. Those moments were just some of the moments I felt a lot of drive to leap forward.

These days, I would just sing the song again once in a while, to spur me on when motherhood appears just so challenging.

The Impossible Dream

Lyrics by Joe Darion
Music by Mitch Leigh

To dream the impossible dream,
to fight the unbeatable foe,
to bear with unbearable sorrow,
to run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong,
to love pure and chaste from afar,
to try when your arms are too weary,
to reach the unreachable star.

This is my quest,
to follow that star --
no matter how hopeless,
no matter how far.

To fight for the right
without question or pause,
to be willing to march into hell for a
heavenly cause.

And I know if I'll only be true to this
glorious quest
that my heart will be peaceful and calm
when I'm laid to my rest.

And the world will be better for this,
that one man scorned and covered with scars
still strove with his last ounce of courage.
To reach the unreachable stars.


At 4:00 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

oh God! so much memories to this song!

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Nani said...

I think, there was one RGS nite we went together right? Weren't you sitting beside me?

If I'm not wrong, there was also once, or was it a few times when Shikin performed Anklung.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

the one with this song was the one where we had sat next to each other. it was also the first time i had arranged to meet someone.

he was there and it caused me much distress! :p

At 8:39 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

oh! shikin was always involved! with angklung of course and in our graduating year when we performed dikir barat. i was the tukang karut thanks to your backing out! :p

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Nani said...

Oh how can I forget... No wonder you remember that distresing moment..hahaha si ES tu datang rupanya.

Tukang karut for RGS Nite... Do you have any photos? Showlah... Strangely, I don't remember that part.

But what I do remember is that, there was one yr when I performed Kuda Hitam with Zahra, Anita and Yinah with the angklung group, my mum saw the photo and banned me from taking part in any DB or any performance whatsoever thereafter....

At 6:58 PM, Blogger melayudilondon said...

hahaha.. I'm a seasoned RGS nite performer. Every year mesti kena perform angklung lah. I love the year when we did Dikir Barat though. Poor Nani dah kena banned by then lah. I think pasal your mum nampak the Kuda Hitam photo yang you pakai baju jawa shoulderless. heheheh

Yes, this song is very inspirational. The other one they did was Climb Every Mountain.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger yuRa said...

ooh .. so that's the story! you didn't tell me then. i can understand why your mum imposed that ban, though. :S no wonder you didn't want to do that last DB performance on RGS nite!

the DB performance was *so* *so* short. i remember the dunearn guys in the audience told me after the show, baru nak sit back, dah habis??

no i don't have photos of that. you did urge me to buy those photos on display (mr lee's photos) but i didn't. :( takde memories sey. menyesal!

shikin dah jadi pro by the time i shared the stage with her. berapa kali naik stage, shiks? yeah, Climb Every Mountain pun best. (sound of music!)

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Nani said...

Tahu aje si Shikin ni. Memang pakai baju jawa tulah penyebab utama. Gambar tu terus kena campak...

Oh yes Climb Every Mountain is another song I love.

Shikin, cerita sikit pasal Angklung performance. Oh, btw, I love the Choir's `Sound of music' performance. Remember, Kit Chan and Rani were the leads? Now they both have singing careers. I've always thought they have very nice sultry voices.


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