Thursday, May 26, 2005

My mailbox was vandalised!

It has been quite a while since I last blogged. I definitely miss blogging. My computer was down and is now dead and my hubz will get a new one probably over the weekend. I'm using his notebook at the moment and fortunately we could get internet connection.. and here I am.

There were so many things that happened over the last 3 weeks..just so many.
(1)A low key eat-out Mother's Day celebration,
(2)my grandma fell down,
(3)lost some documents I have typed when my computer system crashed,
(4)my daughter's new milestone - rolling all over the living room,
(5)my son has started to string and speak two words like (1)see (2)abah and getting to cling more,
(6)someone looked down on my degree - 'just Arts..what's so good about it?',
(7)my husband's birthday last weekend,
(8)encountered irritating people in my baking class,
(9)family outing on Vesak Day
(10)getting a meagre pay for my part-time job - grateful but wondering if it's worth it
(11)baked cookies
(12)The icing on the cake - MY MAILBOX WAS VANDALISED!!!

It has been such a roller coaster ride! I just don't know where to start. But the last one really gets to me and my hubz..

He is the one who normally checks the mail but just now we went to the mailbox together because we were walking home together from my in-law's house. What a shock we got! Guess what... my mailbox was covered with cartoon stickers and when my hubz opened it, there were pieces of twisties in the mailbox! Somehow the locking mechanism is spoilt and so anybody could just throw anything inside there! Who on earth would do such a thing I wonder. According to my hubz, there were other occasions in the past when he found sticky foodstuffs thrown inside our mailbox. My hubz is suspicious of some people but I told him as long as we don't have proof or we don't catch this people red-handed, there's nothing much that the police can do - if we were to make a report. So I told him to take a photo of the box with the stickers as an evidence of what had happened.

I wish I can go on and on but really I am tired over all these. I'll blog again very soon.


At 5:35 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

i'm looking through yr list and thinking "hey! that's pretty balanced!" heh.

i'm wondering what you have been up to for these past 2-weeks that you're gone. all the good things i hope. : )


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