Friday, April 15, 2005

Loving my children and husband

I love my children a lot. I simply love them. Hugging and kissing aren't enough to express my very deep affection for them.

It's just that sometimes it hurts me when I discipline my boy though I have to. After I hit his hand when he dropped the rice dispenser (I don't know how he managed..that thing is heavy) I felt kind of bad. I wondered if it was too hard. I wondered if I should hit at all in the first place. Would it have sufficed if I had just scolded him. I thought if I don't hit him, he may think dropping things to see how they work is alright.

Disciplining is part of raising children. I hope I can be more patient with my boy to avoid having to hit him. Initially I told myself that I won't hit him as far as I don't know. I think I'll resort to that only if what he does is very grave. If not I think I shouldn't. Most importantly, he needs to be told what wrong he has done...for now I hope he understands.

As for my husband, he's been working very hard. I love him a lot for what he has done for the family and for just being him.


At 1:16 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

i guess every once in a while we have to resort to necessary evils like that. like you said, you needed him to know how serious you were at putting the point across. i think as long as you don't make it a habit, it's ok.

i read somewhere once, that the islamic way to do it is to beat them at the sole of their feet(where it's least painful - try hitting your own feet, there's hardly any pain!) it serves to show them how something they've done has upset you but at the same time does not inflict much pain.

just remember to cuddle him right after to remind him you love him. that it's just his action that's upset you.

after all, who among us don't remember our own beatings? but we understand that our parents love us and we turn out just fine. : )

At 11:42 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

thanks for being my one and only faithful reader. i love having your comments on my blog so i'm leaving one here too. : )

how is yr project going along?

At 9:57 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

thanks for the listening ear. i really needed to talk it out. she was giving me too much stress and i was worried my mum couldn't take it. i hope the new one will be much better. pray for me!

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Nani said...

I'm glad I take up the project as it gets my mind going. But of course, I'm way behind schedule...Hope to catch up real soon.

At 5:15 AM, Blogger yuRa said...

yes. let's meet up

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Teenage Lolita said...

You make married life sound so wonderful.. But I ponder... Is there really such of a Marriage. A perfect one. Life seems so bleak for me.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Nani said...

Hi Kate,
Nice to have you around...Really my marriage is not a perfect one. In fact I did blog about a terrible argument I had with my hubz some time back...but somehow when I edited it, it went into the draft mode or suddenly disappeared...I guess I'm just not meant to wash my dirty linen in public so to speak..
That said, I think marriage is about work-in-progress..always having to work things out...with two different characters living together, wanting to assert our rights, arguments,fights you name it - they are just inevitable. I've had times when I felt so down and blue that I contemplated on so many silly acts...I don't think I need to list...But I told myself I want to be happy...therefore I must work things out.


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