Friday, March 30, 2007

I will make lemonade, insya Allah.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade or so it says. But if the lemons roll down in an avalanche, how does one cope, I ponder.

It's unhealthy and terrible when the children are reprimanded more than what they deserve because ummi is angry with someone else and with other situations.

Ummi can forget the past but when that someone shares her insecurities (without her knowing they are insecurities) again and again and again and keep on harping on past unhappiness and finding fault with DH and me indirectly, I would be antagonistic, resentful and hurt. I must say that some of her comments can be damaging to the self-esteem.

So how do I deal with those feelings? I think I haven't dealt with them adequately and that is why I become an angry person for about a year now. But I don't want to let the anger survive in me. Actually, I just want to let go.

Forgive - is what I need to do and I will. By forgiving, I am not condoning the nonsense she had said and done but basically I want my hurt to heal and I want to be genuinely happy again.

It may happen again, so what do I do. Would I be strong enough to ignore? Maybe, when she puts down DH, I would either tell her off or maybe just walk away. It will be wonderful to tell her off - to knock some sense into her - but it may appear a little disrespectful.

However, I do vaguely remember a hadeeth which means that if we avoid arguments, a house is built for you in heaven. It's even better if you are truthful yet you avoid arguments....a bigger house is waiting for you in heaven. Very enticing reward.


At 11:34 PM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Well, forgiveness is one thing... coping is another...
I teach my students to do some mental techniques when this happens to them... so their self-esteem won't be touched...
Me, been doing creative visualisations lately... it's working, alhamdulillah :)

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Nani said...

And how do you go about doing yr creative visualisation...any website you want to recommend?

At 4:50 PM, Blogger melayudilondon said...

Sometimes, it is not easy to forgive or forget. But the fact is you know where the anger is coming from is a first step. :¬)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Nani said...

You are right MDL!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Sorry, lol, got bz with finishing the teachers' manual ;) I will see if I can find a good website and share with you.. coz so far, it's been from books... but I'm sure the info is out there on the 'net, too ;)
Yes, knowing where it's from is half battle won!
(it's always good to exaggerate the positive points hee ;D )

At 12:11 AM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Wow. There is a lot of materials out there... I thought I came up with the term, lol, but must have read it somewhere and picked up on it unconsciously...
This creative visualisation thingy is adik beradik to mental rehearsals and affirmation - techniques used by athletes to improve performance... also used ALL the time by children and it's called "imagination", hehe...
I've used them myself... I consider it part of harnessing our powerful 'aql that Allah has given us...

At 12:19 AM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Guidelines to doing it:

Also in the calm state, I breath and breath out, "Allah"...

Then, visualisation: In your case, an example would be to see yourself untouched by her words, almost as if she's actually heaping praises... seeing yourself answering her words calmly and kindly as Nabi s.a.w would have wanted it, with the humility that we are all ibadullah, prone to faults and flaws...

Why it works:

Interesting testimony:

Thanks for asking me to find the sites! ;D And the opportunity to share! SubhanaAllah!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger .S.K. said...

oooops, sorry if it's a bit too much, I got excited when I saw the sites, yesterday =D

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Nani said...

No help is ever too much. Thanks a million! Will check them out.


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