Friday, March 23, 2007

Developing courage...with the crawlies

There was a dead cockroach in the kitchen, a result of the fumigation exercise at the void deck of my apartment. I waited for my DH to remove it. I just couldn't imagine it wiggling away if I were to pick it up.

Yesterday, my 4-year-old son took a piece of tissue paper, intending to throw the carcass and asked, "Can I pick up the cockroach?"

I thought, if I say no, the implication may be undesirable. So I said, `Yes'.

He picked it up with the tissue paper carefully, without any disgusted expression and threw it in the dustbin.

Actually, even his 2-year-old sister did it a few weeks back but with a smaller insect.

So who's the one who needs Courage Lessons?


At 12:15 PM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Children ARE amazing!
Your reaction was superb! Alhamdulillah...

At 1:27 AM, Blogger Nani said...

They are amazing.

I am sure if you were in my shoes, you would do the same...except that maybe you would also help to remove the wiggly thing...hee hee

At 11:23 PM, Blogger .S.K. said...

Yah, I would... I'm a bit "androgynous", heehhehe...


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