Friday, April 27, 2007

Toilet training

It hasn't been easy. I started when my son was 3 years old but each time there was an accident, I made him wear the diapers back because of the hassle of cleaning up. We started over and over again. We even bought Thomas briefs for him so that he is more motivated to go to the toilet to pee.

Eventually, on the 17th of April, I prepared a Toilet Training Progress Chart and used stickers to encourage him to pee and defecate at the right places. It has been working and I must say this is something that made me happy and smile a lot more. However, after about 4 days, I was rather lax about the sticker and praise award and so the peeing took place elsewhere but not the toilet.

It's always best to have the children to be intrinsically motivated but when you are the Laundry and Interior Cleaning Manager, you always want less hand-wash laundry and less urine-cleaning to do. You also want to work less like dogs - having to sniff for urine smell from the carpet, the mattress, the I am going to buy more stickers.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger melayudilondon said...

aduhmak... i remember Alia is not fully toilet trained till she's about 4 so don't worry too much. Now I am still trying to get her to the toilet at night time. one after another.. hehehe

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Nani said...

For me, there have been night time accidents and cleaning up the mess hasn't been enjoyable at all but getting him to pee just before sleeping helps.
However, on days when he drinks too much, accidents may just happen :(


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