Friday, December 01, 2006

One morning in Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens is now prettier and more lush than it was many years ago. There are more open spaces, nice walkways, special pavements for wheelchair-bound people and parents to push their stroller-strapped kids and definitely beautiful greeneries and flowers abound everywhere.

My NUS friends invited me to join them there with their families and so I did. Zai and As each brought their three children along, each of us coincidentally has one daughter. We managed to get a nice spot near a gigantic tree to enjoy the shade. As spread the mat on the ground while the dads repositioned the quite heavy garden bench to share the shade with us. As took out marker pens and coloured papers for the children to draw, Zai shared her snacks with us while I passed around my bite-sized carrots which I'd packed from home.

That morning was sunny but unusually breezy so imagine the cool air that brushed our faces as we had fun catching up with one another while our children played with the ball and dug the soil to see earthworms. Our children had a great time in the open field.

Later, we also strolled at the periphery of a lake where there were two white swans and a duck drifting quietly at a secluded corner. I'm not sure if they are the same ones I saw when I went there in my teens. One thing I'd hope the authorities of the place would do is to erect a fence around the lake to prevent accidents. Half the time, I had to stop the children from standing too close to the edge of the lake lest they end up in the lake themselves. The lake is quite deep so I don't know what's stopping the authorities from having a fence.

For lunch, we ate at the BG foodcourt. This is the second time I ate there. The place is definitely more comfortable than the then Taman Serasi Hawker Centre but they have lesser halal food choices.

Nonetheless, we had a nice time and we'll definitely go back there for more fun and relaxation amidst fresh air and lush pretty greeneries.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger yuRa said...

wanna go there again with np gang or do you want to stick with the cv/pulau ubin idea?

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Nani said...

I'm game for anything...yeah!!!But I don't want to go hiking. I just want to relax one corner and catch up with one another.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger melayudilondon said...

huisyhhh.. bestnye! dah berbelas tahun tak pernah pergi BG.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Nani said...

Bila you balik S'pore bolehlah kita ramai-ramai gi BG.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

actually i was also just thinking of sitting around and chit-chat. don't really feel like walking around too much. won't get too much stories lah like that. hehe

At 7:27 PM, Blogger yuRa said...

sriperwira kalau awak balik sg, kita pergi ke bg dan berdikir! mesti gerek. wahahahahah

At 12:55 PM, Blogger UmmIhsan said...

Assalamualaikum kak nani,

Me been meaning to write since you wrote about the 'change' thing but always getting distracted by e-mails, yahoo auction and most recently shopping at v-post.

My kids are having tv time which equals free time for ummi.

It's almost six years now since I've been a sahm and I have been through the 'maybe I should go back to work' mood swing many times.

Strangely, I'm still here now,alhamdulillah, masih ada rezeki,and insyaallah I hope to continue to have the rezeki to care for my kids myself.

Full-time motherhood is one job where you need lots of experience to continue.

Coz when you don't have the experience, you feel that doing it part-time is better but the irony is leaving now would render you cutting short the 'internship' in which you will learn how fulfilling a career it is. might seem that i'm going in circles, then again maybe i'm doing ok coz we are all in the circle of life anyway.*laugh*

New sahms are no longer house-centred but child-centred, oh ok, i took that from straits times, but my point is our focus is as you already know; our children.

Maybe one way to not c staying at home as not efficiently contributing to the GDP or our state of mental productivity, is, actively taking control of our future generation, coz our children are part of the future.

You are home, you have control over what principles your child grows up with, what type of education he will have,etc,etc,etc...

Imagine that! your children doesn't have to be the product of the Singapore Inc but Azhanani Inc.

God....I hope I'm making sense*grin*

But in the end Kak Nani, we are luckier than our mothers, coz we have choices.

So like giving birth, you can go the painful way or take epidural to help you along.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Nani said...

Thanks for your time As. There are many issues I thought about when it comes to this but I guess I'll take one thing at a time. And of course ST does give a perspective of SAHM and you do have yr fresh ideas. Thanks again.


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